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Booking with Mr Syed: FAQs

How do I book an appointment with Mr Syed?

To book an appointment with Mr Syed at the Meriden, visit this link: or email

What can I expect at an appointment?

The reception staff will greet you and give you registration forms to complete. Arrive 10-15 minutes early to finish paperwork. Your consultant might ask for X-rays before seeing you, depending on your referral details.

What happens if I am a new patient?

You might have referred yourself or been referred by your GP/Physiotherapist. The consultant will discuss your problem, medical history, and perform a thorough examination. They may request further tests like X-rays, MRI scans, CT Scans or blood tests. Bring any previous scans, X-rays and letters from your GP or other specialists to all consultations.


What happens if I need a follow up?

A: If a follow up is needed, your consultant will inform you. They'll write a letter summarising your consultation and planned investigations to you, your GP and other professionals involved in your care. During the follow-up consultation, the consultant will discuss investigation results and recommend appropriate treatment. Use this chance to ask questions about your condition and ongoing care.

What if I need an operation?

If needed, we'll arrange surgery at Meriden Hospital. A pre-admission medical review ensures you're fit for the planned surgery. Once admitted, a nurse will confirm your identity, place a wristband on you, and record baseline observations. Your consultant will visit before the operation and ask you to sign a consent form. The consultant anaesthetist will inform you about your anaesthetic options.


What if I need an anaesthetic?

Our consultants can perform minor procedures with local anaesthesia in the outpatient department. Complex procedures or those requiring general or spinal anaesthetic need hospital

admission. A pre-admission clinic appointment will assess your fitness for surgery. A consultant anaesthetist will explain the process and discuss the best anaesthetic for you.


How long will I be in hospital?

It depends on your procedure. Most joint replacements require a few nights in hospital. Hip or knee replacements usually need 2 to 3 nights – some patients go home sooner. Before going home, your wound must be dry, and you should understand and manage your physiotherapy exercises.


What if I need a plaster or dressing?

The hospital's outpatient department has dressing facilities. Skilled nurses and plaster technicians handle plaster changes and wound checks, alongside your consultant.

We suggest talking to your insurance company about covering plaster casts, dressings, splints, slings, boots and braces. This way, you can avoid extra fees.


When can I drive again?

It depends on the procedure you've had. To drive, you should walk "normally" and comfortably. The DVLA, not your consultant, makes the final decision on your fitness to drive.


As a rough guide, it's reasonable to return to driving about six weeks after joint replacement surgery.

Consultation and Payment FAQs

What about fees and payment?

You can request an estimate of consultation fees and other costs. These guide prices are based on the information you provide. Most medical insurers need a referral from your GP or specialist before covering costs. We recommend contacting them before your first appointment to check your policy coverage and get their authorisation.


Our consultant is recognised by all major insurance companies. Remember, you'll be responsible for any costs not covered by your insurance. Check your contract for "excess payments."


I am self-paying – when do I pay?

You can pay outpatient consultation fees at the time of your appointment or receive an invoice later for online or BACS transfer payments. For surgeries, pay the hospital before admission.

As a private patient, the hospital takes your card details for potential costs but doesn't share them with your consultant or their team. Consultation fees need separate payment.


Can I refer myself to the clinic?

You can refer yourself, but it's better to have a letter from your GP or healthcare professional describing your problem and medical history. If you're insured and self-referred, contact your insurer as they may not cover costs without a referral from a GP or specialist.

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